Selected works and projects:


Guld i toilettet - Performance på Østre gasværk teater
Gold in the toilet, a performanceevent at the Musical Theatre
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Ud af Røret - en serie af lydvandringer, hvor man følger kloakkens skjulte stier, på gadeplan, imens man lytter til fantasifude, politiske, økonomiske og praktiske fortællinger om kloakken under vores fødder.
Ud af Røret - Næstved
Ud af Røret-København
Ud af Røret-Aarhus


En lorteudstilling
- En udstilling om fortid nutid og fremtid for lort og økonomi. Se mere

Trickle down economy - a shitshow and a performance about the value and inequality of each our own bowel transit time - see more


En forestiling om en ny lorteøkonomi.
- tag bussen til en ny lorteøkonomi i farver - se mere

Ad! Hvad er det jeg har siddet i? En natur og kulturvejledning for børn (og voksne)//Eww! What did I just sit in? A nature guide for children and their adults - Read more

Let us talk about a new shitty economy: Read more on

The fire under my ass - a guided tour to hell and back in Nörra Djurgårdsstaden in Stockholm. Read more

Professional Foul - a series of shorts for playing dirty - See more

Just trying to engage my body in intelligent conversation - see more on

Trying not to think of a white bear - see more on

Cabaret of War - a collection of jokes from warfilms - Read more

Jylland øerne og Bornholm - en hullet arkivering /Denmark and its islands - An archive of holes. Read more

The difference between Ernst Kapers Vej and Højbro Plads is 3,15 m - Read more

a sentence projected from my ivory tower onto the rooftop across from me. Read more


Fejl i skat / Errors in taxes. Read more

Screenshot 2017-01-30 17.47.31

A speech to the silent majority. Read more


En uheldig tendens - / An unfortunate tendency - a letter to everyone that couldn't make it to my show. Read more

Job i Realpolitisk Nævn/
Job in the Committee of Realpolitik. Read more

2003-04/Lykønskningskort/ Greeting Cards. Read more